
Results Vs reasons

Written by
Dr Ayub Macharia

Mr Green is a senior officer in a renown company. He has the advantage of being driven in a company car whenever on company business. Normally whenever he attends meetings, he has a habit of coming early.
Mr Green  does not condone lateness and abhors reasons for non-performance. He always demands for “results” and not “reasons”. After continuous use of these phrases, it is evident that his staff are careful not to present “reasons” when “results” are needed.
Some staff tend to be cynical especially if something goes wrong. There was this meeting held in Kisumu City. Participants were residing in different places in town and the morning was notorious with traffic jam. That morning, everything went wrong. It rained heavily at night and the taxi company that was to ferry staff was delayed due to staff shift swaps. Hence the staff were late for an hour. Mr Green was not affected since he had his chauffeur and was picked to the meeting venue on time.
After an hour the participants came and their faces could tell they were remorseful. The room was filled with calls for apology. One participant explained, “today has been really hectic, it rained and the taxi failed to pick us on time. We know these are “reasons” and you don’t like like it (Mr Green) but we had no choice”. Mr Green said nothing.
Jog your mind
1. What are the good leadership practices in this case study?
2. Suggest areas of leadership improvement for Mr Green

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Leadership Stuff

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