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Environmental law Q & A – free App

Follow this link to download this App on Google Play Store now.
This Application explores the Environmental Legislative process including Multilateral Environmental Agreements. It also navigates through The Environmental Management and Coordination Act (EMCA) CAP 387 in Kenya and other related laws such as the Climate Change Act (2016) in an easy to understand format.
Using questions and answers, the App is meant to help you appreciate how environmental aspects have been legislated globally and in Kenya.
The legislative process for environmental issues is complex. Environmental issues traverse beyond international borders necessitating international collaboration through agreements and protocols and domestication of the same using national legislation.
The Constitution of Kenya 2010 provides for the right to every Kenyan to a clean and healthy environment. The EMCA CAP 387 was first developed in 1999 and later revised in 2015 to align it to the constitution. EMCA CAP 387 provides the legal framework for environmental governance in Kenya.
The App is organized into themes for ease of navigation. Choose the theme that is of interest to you and learn more.
Leadership and Management Toolkit

This application comprises of summaries of questions and answers to diverse leadership and management questions. It is meant to provide leaders with a quick overview of the type of questions asked within the field of leadership. An effort has been done to provide some framework answers to guide leaders in their search for customized solutions to leadership and management challenges at hand. It should be noted however that the suggestions are not exhaustive and are just a guide to leaders as they explore further explanations to address their contextualized leadership phenomena.
The questions captured in this book are drawn from the author’s long experience as a lecturer at postgraduate level at Strathmore University in Nairobi Kenya. Most of the questions have gone through the university examination validation process and have been used in university examinations. In this regard, these questions are relevant to both lecturers and students engaged in leadership and management.
Get yourself a copy of the toolkit now. Please don’t try to download using your desktop or laptop. Just use your Android smartphone.
Sustainable Development – Q & A
This digital resource presents simplified way of exploring sustainable development using questions and answers. The concept of sustainable development is explored from different facets in a more simplified manner. This digital resource is particularly useful to students undertaking a course on sustainable development for quick revision.
Sustainable development is an abstract concept. It was first conceptualized as development that meets the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Over time, conceptualization of sustainable development has advanced to consider it as interaction between three pillars namely environment, economy and society. Numerous methodologies and indicators have been developed to guide progress towards sustainable development.
Students are normally bombarded with numerous reference books and papers on diverse aspects of sustainable development. It is quite challenging to read all literature available in this area. Sometimes it is much easier to look at summary of key points on the diverse aspects of sustainable development as quick revision. This digital resource is vital to those interested in quick scan of the concept of sustainable development.
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Explained
You can download this E-book for free using your Android phone or Tablet on this link. This digital material has undergone rigorous vetting by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) and was approved on 1st December 2015 to be used in the Kenyan education system.
The world leaders adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on 25th September 2015. Goal 4 stipulates that all efforts should be made to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities.” Target 7 of Goal 4 states that “By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development”
The Education for Sustainable Development Explained is a resource material meant for educators both at formal and non formal level. This ESD Explained is meant to clarify key issues in the ESD concept and guide educators on how to go about the process of implementing ESD. However, more emphasis is placed on how educators could integrate ESD in diverse subject areas. The ESD Explained postulates that there is need to relook at the processes and expected outcomes of educational engagements to ensure reorientation to sustainable development.
This ESD Explained presents ESD arguments in a simplified manner and is user friendly. The ESD Explained digital content has covered several components such as
* The concept of sustainable development
* The concept of ESD, major thrusts of ESD and stakeholders targeted
* ESD implementation strategies
* United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development
* Sustainable Development Goals
* Global Action Programme for ESD implementation
* Kenya’s progress in implementing ESD and UNDESD
* Actionable areas in implementation of ESD
* How to facilitate ESD within eleven (11) subject areas
* How to facilitate ESD using informal forums such as institutional clubs and special days
In each area, efforts have been made to use appropriate photos and other illustrations.
This Application explores diverse aspects of Climate Change and the Kenya’s Climate Change Act 2016.
Climate change is the biggest challenge of our time. Scientists have demonstrated changes in levels of greenhouse gases and successfully attributed them to anthropogenic dynamics. Increased temperatures, droughts, floods, famine, change in farm productivity and change in vector and pest prevalence are some of the aspects associated with climate change.
Responses to the climate change challenge vary among countries. Globally, negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has made significant progress including increased funding to undertake concrete activities in mitigation and adaptation.
Kenya’s climate change interventions are guided by Climate Change Act 2016 and other laws and policy documents. This App explores diverse aspects of climate change including scientific basis, legislation, governance and institutional arrangements with a special emphasis on Kenya.
Get yourself a copy of the App now for free. Please don’t try to download using your desktop or laptop. Just use your Android smartphone or tablet.