
New year eve – Environmentally

Written by
Dr Ayub Macharia

This day is celebrated every 1st day of January, and marks the beginning of the year. It is usually an important day when many people reflect on what they achieved the previous year and set goals to be achieved in the year ahead. Some of our targets have environmental implications. For instance a businessman may be trading in products from the environment which may be gradually getting depleted. He/she can use this day to reflect on how  their activities affect the environment and think of ways to minimize the impacts.
Suggested activities

  • Try to remember what you did the previous year as an individual , school or community. Write a brief report on this.
  • Identify the areas where you were unfair to the environment. In which ways do you think you need to commit yourself to undertake corrective action?
  • Compose songs, poems and drama on what you have done throughout the year.
  • Have a discussion session at your work place, school, family or at the community level to set the goals for the year ahead. Make environmental consideration a priority.
  • Plant at least one tree to mark the beginning of each year.
  • Plan an environmental activity that you will undertake the whole year such as sweeping the compound , cleaning the neighborhood, recycling wastes or creating awareness .
  • Look for readings from the Bible, Quran or other religious books that talk about how people began a new year.
  • Offer special prayers and ask God to enable you to give more respect to his creation the year ahead.
  • Write an essay or summary notes about your reflections of the past year and plans for the year ahead. Keep referring to them as the year progresses.Publicise your success on this blog.
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