
International Women’s Day

Written by
Dr Ayub Macharia

The date is marked every 8th March and was set aside by the United Nations (UN) in1977. The period between 1975 -1985 was the United Nations Decade for Women. The focus of the day is women’s rights and international peace. Kenya first marked this day in 1988. The celebrations usually take a week while the climax is 8th March.

 Most of the world’s poor are women. Majority of the world’s illiterate people are women. Majority of the refugees in the world are women. Over half a million women die every year from pregnancy related causes most of which are preventable. This is away to honor women’s struggle for freedom, social and economic development. It is a day to discuss diverse issues with a focus on women such as health, gender equality, enrolment in school, participation in economic, social and political issues and the abuse of women rights.

 Suggested activities

  • Compose songs, poems and drama about women and the environment.
  • Set aside a day for exposing women talents.
  • Invite an expert to talk about Women’s Day celebrations near your local area.
  • Develop posters on the role of women in development and environment.
  • Visit the community and document the kinds of work done by women in the society and their environmental implications
  • Identify women who have made outstanding contribution to environmental conservation of the local area. Appreciate them.
  • Write an essay or summary notes on how you celebrated the International Women’s Day. Publicise your success on this blog.

For further Information, contact:

Ministry of Sport, culture and the Arts  (

Article Categories:
Symbolic Dates

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