
World Meteorological Day – 23rd March

Written by
Dr Ayub Macharia

This day marks the first meeting of the World Meteorological convention that was held on 23rd March 1750. Research has shown that life on earth is maintained by natural cycles such as water, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, and carbon cycles. Man’s activities such as industrial and agricultural development has altered these cycles leading to unhealthy consequences.
Burning of wood and fossil fuels (oil and coal) and increased plant destruction has led to increased levels of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. This contributes to global warming (Greenhouse Effect). Global warming may lead to melting of global ice reserves, flooding of low-lying areas and other changes in global climate. Chlorofluorocarbon compounds are known to destroy the ozone layer which protect organisms from exposure to ultra violet rays of sunlight.
The day reminds us of our dependence on the atmosphere and weather patterns. We should take care of the atmosphere since our future climate and well being (including food supplies) depends on it clean state.
Learn more about World Meteorological Day 2014 from this link
Suggested activities
• Visit a weather station close to your school/locality.
• Develop a weather station. Improvise some of the apparatus. Record the atmospheric conditions for 30 minutes.
• Compose songs, dances, drama and poems on the environment.
• Develop a poster to explain the natural cycles in your local area.
• Look out for trees within the school/home compound. Plant more trees within the school/home compound.
• Invite an expert to talk about climate change to the school/community.
• Identify local activities that have an impact on the atmosphere and discuss. Suggest and implement activities to purify the atmosphere.
• Write an essay or summary notes on how you celebrated the World Metrological Day. Publicise your success on this blog.
For further Information, Contact:
Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources; Kenya Meteorological Department.

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