
World Environment Day – 5th June

Written by
Dr Ayub Macharia

This day was set aside by the United Nations in 1972 to commemorate the opening of Stockholm conference on the human Environment which gave birth to United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP).The day act as a principal vehicle of the UN to stimulate global awareness of the environment and to enhance political attention and action.

This is a day dedicated to looking around, thinking and doing something about the environment. It is a day of celebration and thanksgiving for our magnificent and unique planet. It is a day to discover more about the world and to acknowledge that man is part of nature, care for and protect the world to make it a better place to live in.

Each year, UNEP assigns a slogan to steer the celebrations. The slogan for WED 2014 is “Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea-level”. This slogan is dedicated to the Small Island States which are threatened by sea level rise as a result of climate change. We are all challenged to take steps at individual, community or corporate level to reverse green house gas emissions responsible for climate change. This will ensure that our brothers and sisters living in the Small Island States have a future. 

Suggested activities

  • Clean up the environment and initiate a recycling project.

  • Plant trees within your locality and take care of them
  • Visit local conservation offices or the museum and view films on the climate change.
  • Teacher should develop some exercises on the climate change; language teachers should pick up passages on the same for assignments.
  • Look for passages about Climate Change from the Bible of Quran.
  • Organize competitions e.g. video making, essay writing, skits, songs, dances, poems, drama, football match, poster development, produce a climate change newsletter etc.
  • Look for individual, groups or institutions that demonstrate the best environmental practice. appreciate and give them awards such as trophies, certificates or a green flag.
  • Write an essay or summary notes on how you celebrated the world environment day. Publicise your success on this blog.


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