
World Day for Water

Written by
Dr Ayub Macharia

The day is marked every 22nd March and was set aside by the United Nations in 1993 to promote greater appreciation of water. Water is a basic need and an important catalyst necessary to accelerate both economic and social development. Water is a precious resource in Kenya but is limited and unevenly distributed over space and time. Wetlands are important reservoirs of water. Increased pollution, overuse and misuse of wetlands put severe strains on our water resources. Frequent droughts also affect water availability.

Water day celebrations are meant to create awareness and promote more responsibility to protect and conserve our water resources. Every drop of water counts and if each one of us saves little, we can save a lot.

 Suggested activities

  • Look out for the sources of water for the local people, commercial enterprises, school etc.
  • Identify the various uses of water in your home area.
  • Calculate how much water is used from that source per day.
  • How is the water source in your home area?
  • Identify the local technologies associated with water.
  • Try to recycle water in the school, home or workplace
  • Plant trees to attract rain
  • Look out for ways in which the school and the community store water.
  • Explore how we can save more water.
  • Invite the elders from the community and discuss how they used to get water in the past. Compare with how you get it today.

  • Compose poems, songs, dances and drama about water.
  • Write an essay or summary notes on how you celebrated the World Day for Water. Publicise your success on this blog.

For further information, contact:

Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (

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